Homework: 9/2401, 9/25/01

Page 53 #37, Page 54 #49


37.  Write the following measurements in scientific notation:

        a)  204,500 m

        b)  0.00357 J

        c)  690,000,000 W

        d)  101,325 Pa

        e)  0.000 000 072 10 g


49.  Are the following numbers written correctly in scientific notation?  Rewrite any that are incorrect.

        a)  84.029 = 84.029 X 103

            b)  0.000 004 70  X  10-6

            c)  0.000 541 = 5.41 X 104

            d)  623.000 = 6.23 X 105

            e)  0.004 998 = 4.998 X 10-2