Significant Digit an Scientific Notation

I.  Significant Digits

A.  A significant digit is:


B.  The number of significant digits in a measurement depends on:


C.  When a calculation involves numbers with different significant digits:



II. Rules to determine Significant Digits









III.  Properties

          A.  Qualitative-



          B.  Quantitative-



IV.  Reliability

          A.  Accuracy-



          B.  Percision-








I.  Scientific Notation=   

          A.  Used to represent:

B.  There are two parts to a number expression in scientific notation

C.  The basic form is:

D.  PART 1:  M has a single digit to the left of the decimal with digits to right of the decimal representing any other significant digits

E.  Part 2a: n is an integer representing:


F.  Part 2b: If n is positive move the decimal point to the __________________.

          The number is greater than one.

          ~If n is negative, move the decimal point to the ____________________.

          The number is less than one.









III.  SI Base Units                                     Place unit below:

          A.  Mass                                            ____________

          B.  Length                                          ____________

          C.  Time                                             ____________

          D.  Temperature                               ____________

          E.  Amount of substance                   ____________

          F.  Electric Current                           ____________

          G.  Light intensity                    ____________


IV. Derived Units                                        Place unit Below:


A.  Area                                             _____________


          B.  Volume                                         _____________


          C.  ***Density                                   _____________


V.  SI prefixes                                           Place meaning below:

          A.  Mega                                            _______________

          B.  Kilo                                               _______________

          C.  Deci                                              _______________

          D.  Centi                                             _______________

          E.  Milli                                              _______________

          F.  Micro                                            _______________

          G.  Nano                                            _______________

          H. Pico                                               _______________


VI. Different Volume Units                        Place meaning below:

          A.  Liter                                             _______________

          B.  Milliliter                                       _______________


          1) Correct number of metric prefix

                   a) 1 centimeter = _________  meter

                   b) 1 _______liter = 0.001 liter

                   c) 1 microgram = _________ gram

                   d) 1 ______ volt = 1000 volts

                   e) 1 nanosecond = ______ second

          2) Perform these unit conversions

                   a) 0.001348 g to milligrams _______________

                   b) 3560 N to kilonewtons  ________________

                   c) 5.29 cs to seconds  ___________________

                   d) 81 mW to watts _____________________