Read 5-3, pages 174-185

Answer the following questions with 1 to 2 word answers


1.  You can use an element’s location in the periodic table to predict what?

2.  Complete this: Many properties of the elements change in a ______________ way as you ____________ through the _________________table.

3.  The distance from an atom’s center to its outermost electron is its?

4.  Does an atom have an exact boundary?

5.  What is the distance between a Cl2 molecule?

6.  So the radii of the Cl atom is what?

7.  Atoms get ______________ going down a group.

8.  Atoms get ______________going from left to right across each period.

9.  When an atoms loses electrons it becomes?

10.  When an atom gains electrons it becomes?

11.  What is the common ion of Mg?

12.  What is the common ion of Br?

13.  The energy needed to remove one electron from an atom is?

14.  To remove an electron from lithium how much energy is needed?

15. What can you think of ionization energy as?

16.  The most common term used for a large collection of atoms is?

17.  A mole of atoms is a collection of __________________ atoms.

18.  The first important trend of ionization energies is:


19.  The second important trend of ionization energies is:


20.  Electrons in larger atoms are held less __________________.

21.  What is an atom’s energy change that occurs when it gains an extra electron?

22.  Why does Flourine have a negative electron affinity?

23.  The _____________ have more electron affinity than the _________________.

24.  What is an atom’s ability to attract electrons in a chemical bond?

25.  Can this be directly measured?

26.  What is electronegativity related to?



1.  Explain successive ionization energies.







2.   Discuss ionic size of elements.





3.  What is a periodic trend?






4.  Name four periodic trends.  Discuss how each trend reflects the element’s electron configurations.