Chapter 11, DNA and protein synthesis

Mr. Haight

Regular Biology

DNA structure

•     DNA has a double helical structure


•     Bases:




–   Thymine


•     Sugar-phosphate backbone

•                          bonds hold it together

DNA Replication

•     Begins at Origin of Replication

•     Opens a replication fork

•     Enzymes used to split DNA:



•     _____________ initiates replication

•     DNA ____________ makes new DNA strand

DNA Replication

•     New DNA strands are linked by the DNA ligase enzyme

•     DNA

•     DNA polymerase and ligase, cut, remove and correct the mistake

•     Termed as a ______________________


•     Types of RNA

•     mRNA-

•     rRNA-

•     tRNA-

DNA transcription

•     Occurs in the

•     _____________________ binds to DNA at the promoter at a TAC (start codon)

•     ________ nucleotides/second

•     __________________ terminates transcription (UGA)

•     Results in a single stranded ________________

•     “OOOZES” out of the nucleus through a pore

The Genetic Code

•     Code needed to convert between ___________________________

•     Codon-________________________________

•     __________ different mRNA codons

•     ______________________________!!!!!!!!

Translation: mRNA to Protein

•      Takes place in the _______________________

•      ___________-attaches to one amino acid

•      Complementary base-pairing of _______________________

•      Ribosome slides down to next codon and thus another amino acid

•      RULE::::_____________ build _____________which build _____________________!!!!!