
Regular Biology

Elements and Atoms

A.  Element-is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler chemical substances

B.  Over 112 elements currently on the table

C.  Trace elements-Mg, Zn, and Fe

D.  Atom-the smallest particle of an element that has the characteristics of that element


Elements in the Body

96 % of the mass in a human is:

                a) Carbon

                b) Hydrogen

                c) Nitrogen

                d) Oxygen

Structure of an Atom

Nucleus-center of an atom, contains protons and neutrons

Electron cloud-contains electrons that circle the nucleus

Energy levels: Holds electrons

1st – 2 electrons

2nd – 8 electrons

3rd – 18 electrons


Compounds-a substance that is composed of atoms of two or more different elements

Water, Salt (NaCl) etc.

Covalent Bonds-atoms that share electrons (water)

Molecules are held together by covalent bonds

Ionic bond-Atoms that give up electrons to become stable when they combine (NaCl-salt)

                                        pH scale

Based on powers of 10

Acids are below pH 7

Contain more H+ ions

Bases are above pH 7

Contain more (OH-) ions

Mixture-a combination of substances in which the individual components contain their own properties

Solution-A mixture in which one or more substances are evenly distributed


l    Bases are above pH 7

    Contain more (OH-) ions

l    Mixture-a combination of substances in which the individual components contain their own pSolution-A mixture in which one or more sSection 6-1